Translating science into policy and practice
We are a specialised for-purpose team of health experts, which means you get the best people focused on your unique outcomes.

Some of our major partners

Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Department of Health engaged us to map investment, need, and demand by synthesising funding, prevalence, and treatment data, and consulting with various service users and providers.

Following our successful evaluation of the National Ice Action Strategy, we worked closely with the Australian Government Department of Health to undertake extensive background work and develop an evaluation framework for a review of the National Drug Strategy.

We conducted a state wide mapping of investment in alcohol and other drug treatment services across the seven Queensland PHNs.
This was an essential step to improving planning and coordination between funders across the state and to deliver best practice approaches to service commissioning.

We provided a series of evidence based knowledge and skills supervision workshops for the Department of Health Victoria. The training included workshops on core skills, a top up workshop for experienced supervisors, and supervision skills for specific settings.
How we can help
Service improvement
Improve how your service responds to people who use alcohol and other drugs and achieve better outcomes with our practical tailored solutions. Whether you are in the specialist alcohol and other drug field or in mental health, justice, or community health, we can help plan and implement latest best practice. We offer detailed best practice reviews and analysis of impact, effectiveness, and reach.
Tailored workforce development
We understand that workforce development is much more than sending your team to a workshop or two every year. Effective workforce planning and growth is critical to set your organisation up for the future. We can assess, plan, and implement a workforce strategy so that you have the right people with the right skills in the right jobs.
Practitioner workshops
Our expert clinical trainers are the key to effective learning. Not only great facilitators, but they also have decades of real practice experience in mental health and alcohol and other drug clinical practice, so you know the skills you are getting are up-to-date and practical. We have flexible arrangements for individual practitioners and organisations.
Program evaluation
Our program evaluation team will help you review and improve the quality of your programs by establishing impact, reach, and effectiveness through formal evaluation. We undertake evaluation of major government initiatives as well as service programs and pilot projects. Our pracademics ensure robust evaluation methodology balanced with real world understanding of service provision for practical and sustainable outcomes.
Systems change
We have specialist expertise and extensive experience in health care planning. Our focus is on understanding the balance between service demand, effective service delivery, and budgetary constraints, and ensuring service needs are met as efficiently as possible. We offer investment mapping, need and demand mapping, and complex analysis of demand and supply of health services to ensure service planning and investment results in the best possible outcomes.
Workplace and schools programs
WorkEdge offers cutting edge solutions for safety sensitive industries, professional and amateur sport, and government agencies to manage alcohol and other drugs in the workplace. Good workplace policy means reducing risks and harms to workers. Our Schools of Substance program uses the latest evidence to tailor solutions for schools to set our young people on the right path for the future. We partner with Matilda Centre, Sydney University, and the OurFutures Institute.
We work with you full circle
We work collaboratively and holistically with you at every stage of service and workforce development, wherever you are in the cycle of change. Our team of experienced pracademics takes a 360 approach, looking from multiple perspectives. We show you exactly what you need to do in a way that works.

Upcoming workshop

Understanding CBT
Get better outcomes for your clients who use alcohol and other drugs
An expert team
Our team of experienced ‘pracademics’ take a 360 approach to viewing situations from multiple perspectives. We collaboratively and holistically work with our clients at every stage, wherever they are in the cycle of change, to achieve their goals.

Book your consultation for effective alcohol and other drug solutions.
Contact us today for support with effective alcohol and other drug solutions tailored to your business needs.