Drug Education Network Tasmania health promotion framework

Drug Education Network (DEN) Tasmania

Health promotion framework

In 2021, 360Edge partnered with the Drug Education Network (DEN),Tasmania’s peak body for alcohol and drug health promotion to develop an evidence based health promotion framework. This work followed on from a best practice review 360Edge carried out in 2020. The prior review had recommended a more strategic approach to high impact health promotion work, and our development of the framework has allowed DEN to implement these recommendations.

We reviewed the available literature for best practices in alcohol and other drug health promotion and developed a background paper based on this environmental scan. We then worked collaboratively with DEN staff and leadership to identify key values, strengths and operational requirements for the framework. The framework we developed conceptualised health promotion using a lifecycle model and provided best practice guidance for each step from project conceptualisation to final reporting.

During the project we also worked with DEN’s board and management to identify strategic priorities for DEN’s work. These principles will assist DEN to focus their resources and efforts on health promotion that is evidence based, well aligned with the organisation’s capacity and expertise, and offer the greatest reach and impact.