Leading practices for (r)evolutionary results
Service and workforce improvement can be challenging. The real world is messy, but working on the frontline you need clear practical solutions that work.
We provide practical tailored solutions for any service who works with people who use drugs. We support better responses to alcohol and other drug issues in mental health, primary care, welfare, justice and education sectors, as well as the specialist alcohol and other drug sector.
Our cutting-edge practices connect evidence-based practice with practice-based knowledge. As accelerated change experts, we combine more than 25 years of academic research with hands-on clinical experience to develop (r)evolutionary evidence-based practices that actually work. We work with organisations that want to be the best.
Our processes make it straight-forward to understand, implement and sustain practice change. We understand the constraints facing organisations. We distil the data, cut through the jargon, then work full circle with you to engage your workforce to implement effective strategies for service improvement.
“The right people with the right skills in the right jobs”
An integrated 360 approach
As the leading specialist alcohol and other drug consultancy in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, we provide a full suite of advisory services to help organisations who offer health and alcohol and other drug services accelerate change.
By focusing on the process as well as the outcome, you get smooth implementation of the outcomes you need. We have the right combination of alcohol and other drug know-how and understanding of rigorous methodology.
Our consultancy collaboratively and holistically works with you at every stage, wherever you are in the cycle of change. Full circle is how we work.
Our team of experienced pracademics take a 360 approach to reviewing situations from multiple perspectives.
We show you exactly what you need to do in a way that works. We have extensive understanding about alcohol and other drug services and know how to make it work in the real world.
Read more about our team.
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