Workforce Development
Supervision and
Professional supervision
Good clinical supervision is hard to find. Supervision for developing managers is even harder.
Training often focuses on supervisors, but supervisees can benefit from our supervisee skills mentoring and workshops. We can boost your internal supervision by providing mentoring and competency programs for supervisors and specific practice issue support for supervisees.
Benefit from our experienced, quality support for accelerating careers and developing strong, leading-edge practices. With our extensive experience, we offer clinical supervision for all levels of practitioner from any discipline as well as clinical management support. We use a reflective self discovery approach so deep learning occurs that directly translates to changes in practice.
We can also help establish tailored supervision systems, including internal and external reciprocal programs, that suit your workforce needs.
Case study: QNADA

Supervision exchange program
Practitioners find it hard to get practice supervision outside their line manager, so QNADA came up with a clever solution. A clinical manager from one service provides supervision to practitioners from another service and vice versa. 360Edge undertook collaborative design consultations with managers and developed a bespoke supervision program to support the exchange program. Our CEO, Nicole Lee, also provided academic supervision to QNADA's PhD student looking at outcomes from the supervision exchange.
"Thank you for the opportunity. I thought the training was fantastic and I cannot wait to get started."
- Train the Trainer participant
"Paula is an excellent trainer with excellent knowledge around providing supervision. The training was great overall and I felt I got a lot out of it."
- Department of Health VIC participant
Upcoming workshop
Seeking supervision or mentoring?
Contact us today to start the discussion