We are training experts

Our expert clinical trainers are the key to effective learning. Not just great facilitators, but our trainers also have decades of real experience in mental health and alcohol and other drug clinical practice, so you know the clinical training you get is up-to-date and practical.

360Edge is a lead provider of professional development on alcohol and other drugs for specialists as well as anyone who works with people who use alcohol and other drugs. Our workshops are designed to be suitable for people with a range of backgrounds, skills, and experience.

Whether you need foundational or advanced practice based training in alcohol and other drugs and mental health responses, you can access everything you need from anywhere in the world.

Our workshops are rated 9.8 out of 10 on average for satisfaction and relevance, and participants show significant increases in knowledge, skills, and confidence.

Get all your professional development needs from anywhere in the world with our online workshops.

Discover all our workshops by downloading our 360Edge workforce development calendar today!

Priority package

We can help you identify which of our public workshops your team would most benefit from. Organisations can purchase bulk workshop places across our annual calendar and allow their staff or member organisations to choose the specific workshops that meet their needs. Contact us today about this priority workshop package which has dedicated administration staff and processes to manage your exclusive enrolment.


Essential Skills

Specialist Skills


Our workshops

Coming 2025
The Brain Workshop

Understand the inner workings of the brain on drugs and how to work effectively with cognitive impairment

Need help applying for funding?

Need some help applying to attend any of our workshops? We’ve put together some tips on how to ask your manager to approve professional development.

Read more>