The right people with the right skills in the right jobs

Understand your team's needs, capacity and capability, and set them up for the future with the support of our Workforce Development team.

We understand that workforce development is not just training. Our approach to workforce development goes beyond education and training to a whole system approach that builds the capacity and sustainability of your workforce. The result is a workforce that is seamlessly aligned to current and future service demands.

We take a birds-eye view of your workforce to make sure you have the right people in the right jobs providing the best services for your clients. Then our on-the-ground analysis will tell you how to maximise knowledge, skills and confidence to ensure the wellbeing, efficiency and effectiveness of your team.

We offer a 360 suite of workforce development strategies including:

  • Training needs analysis that ensures you have the right skills mix, competencies and qualifications
  • Tailored training and professional development workshops to develop key clinical skills, knowledge and confidence
  • Professional supervision systems to provide ongoing support for the workforce and embed and disseminate learning
  • Workforce policy development to ensure you have sustainable workforce capability well into the future
  • Program revision and development to ensure your workforce are delivering effective and evidence based programs to clients

Practitioner skills

Training Needs Analysis

Ensure your workforce has the right qualifications, skills, and training to deliver the best outcomes for their clients.

We review your service to understand what you need, we establish benchmarks of best practice for your service type, we look at the key skills you need, and advise where your team needs additional training, supervision, or qualifications.

The right people with the right skills in the right positions means more effective outcomes and less risk of burnout in your team.

Workforce Policy

Develop a sound evidence-based workforce policy to ensure you can effectively manage workforce supply and demand for the long and short term.

We look at business analysis, job design, recruitment, retention, resource identification, support structures, and capacity development to ensure you have the right policies in place to support the most effective workforce.

We help you integrate your workforce policy into your strategic plan to provide a framework for resourcing decisions that support your organisation’s vision and goals.

Case study: St Vincent de Paul QLD

Model of service review, program revision and facilitator training

We partnered with St Vincent de Paul QLD to increase the evidence base of the therapeutic elements of their treatment program. The project had two key objectives, to review and revise the model of care and to develop content for 12 modules for the group program that is delivered in 6 residential rehabs across Queensland. This work was reinforced through training group facilitators in the delivery of the 12 modules.

We work with you full circle

We work collaboratively and holistically work with you at every stage, wherever you are in the cycle of change. Our team of experienced pracademics takes a 360 approach, looking from multiple perspectives. We show you exactly what you need to do in a way that works.

Book your consultation here

Ask us how we can integrate your workforce development needs into a strategic plan and framework that supports your organisations' vision and goals