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The right people with the right skills in the right jobs

Workforce development is more than just training. It is a holistic approach that understands workforce needs, builds capacity and capability, and sets the workforce up for the future. The result is a workforce that is seamlessly aligned to current and future service demands.

Our approach to workforce development goes beyond education and training to a whole system approach to building the capacity and sustainability of your workforce.

We take a birds-eye view of your workforce to make sure you have the right people in the right jobs providing the best services for your clients.

We offer a 360 suite of workforce development strategies including:

  • Training needs analysis to ensure you have the right skills mix, competencies and qualifications
  • Professional development workshops to develop key clinical skills
  • Professional supervision systems to provide ongoing support for the workforce
  • Workforce policy development to ensure you have a sustainable approach to workforce capability well into the future

Practitioner skills

Professional development workshops

Our expert clinical trainers are the key to effective learning. Not only great facilitators, but our trainers have decades of real experience in mental health and alcohol and other drug clinical practice, so you know the clinical training you get is up-to-date and practical.

We know how to teach and what to teach to take clinical delivery to the next level and see better outcomes for your clients.

We provide enough theory for a solid understanding of the ‘why’ but with a practical focus on the ‘how’.

Professional supervision

Good clinical supervision is hard to find. Supervision for developing managers is even harder.

Benefit from our experienced, quality support for accelerating careers and developing strong, leading-edge practices. With our extensive experience we offer clinical supervision for all levels of practitioner from any discipline and clinical management support. We use a reflective self-discovery approach so deep learning occurs that directly translates to changes in practice.

We can also help establish tailored supervision systems, including internal and external reciprocal programs, that suit your workforce needs.

Service capacity

Training needs analysis

Ensure your workforce has the right qualifications, skills, and training to deliver the best outcomes for their clients.

We review your service to understand what you need, we establish benchmarks of best practice for your service type, we look at the key skills you need, and advise where your team needs additional training, supervision, or qualifications.

The right people with the right skills in the right positions means more effective outcomes and less risk of burnout in your team.

Workforce policy

Develop a sound evidence-based workforce policy to ensure you can effectively manage workforce supply and demand for the long and short term.

We look at business analysis, job design, recruitment, retention, resource identification, support structures, and capacity development to ensure you have the right policies in place to support the most effective workforce.

We help you integrate your workforce policy into your strategic plan to provide a framework for resourcing decisions that support your organisation’s vision and goals.

Improved confidence and standard of care

Drug Health WSLHD was looking for a training package to ensure our clinician’s knowledge and skills in working with methamphetamine users was up-to-date and evidence based. We needed a package that could target clinicians from different disciplines and at different levels of experience.

360Edge offered the training we needed and were very flexible in coordinating and planning, meaning it took minimal effort to organise. The training on the day ran very smoothly and was concise, completely practical, relevant to clinicians on the frontline, and was presented very well. Staff feedback told us fairly quickly that confidence in working in this area had increased, and that staff were surprised at how useful they found the training. Overall the training has helped us guide the development of new treatment programs, and to improve our standard of care with methamphetamine users.

Logan Harvey, Centre for Addiction Medicine (Mt Druitt), Western Sydney Local Area Health District

Our recent workforce development projects

Large scale workshop rollout

Training Victorian workers to respond to people affected by ‘ice’

The Victorian Government engaged 360Edge to deliver more than 17,000 training places over more than 600 half day workshops to people working in health, welfare, education, and transport over a two and a half year period. We conducted up to 8 half-day sessions each week right across metropolitan and regional Victoria, tailoring the content to each audience group. The training was focused on safely responding to people who use ice.

The average satisfaction rating was 9.1 out of 10. Eighty-eight percent of attendees rated the training 8 out of 10 or higher. There was a 50% average improvement in knowledge; 69% average improvement in skills; 67% average improvement in confidence.

Training development and dissemination

Development and delivery of comorbidity training for the alcohol and other drug sector

We worked with the Matilda Centre to develop seven detailed half-day workshops, based on the National Comorbidity Guidelines to support the training of alcohol and other drug workers in responding to comorbidity. The seven sessions are self-contained mix and match modules that can be used flexibly by workplaces.

We also developed and delivered train the trainer workshops to support the dissemination of the training and the guidelines. The train the trainer workshops were a huge success with an average satisfaction rating of 8 out of 10 and an average increase in knowledge, skills and confidence of 60%.

Clinical training roadshow

South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services workshop series

We provided a series of metropolitan and regional clinical workshops face to face and online for alcohol and other drug workers across South Australia working with SANDAS to ensure the sessions were relevant and tailored to the audience.

Ten out of 10 participants would recommend the training to their colleagues and satisfaction and relevance were rated 9.2 and 9.3 out of 10. Knowledge, skills, and confidence increased by around 40%.

Development of eLearning modules

Alcohol and other drug education in child protection

We worked with the Department for Child Protection, South Australia to develop a contemporary self-paced training package to support practice development for service providers working with people who use alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol and other drug use is one of the top 3 reasons families come into contact with the child protection system.

We identified key areas of practice and developed evidence-based information to help support the work of service providers. We tailored the content to child protection service providers and applied best practice instructional design principles to produce a series of modules delivered through an eLearning system.

The Brain Workshop

Understand the inner workings of the brain on drugs and how to work effectively with cognitive impairment

When: Thursday 9 November 2023
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Ballarat

Alcohol and other drugs can affect the brain in both consistent and idiosyncratic ways. In this workshop, learn about the parts of the brain that can be affected by drug use and the impact on functioning. You will gain a thorough understanding of how the brain works, the functional impact of drugs, and the effect on treatment. Up to 70% of people in alcohol and other drug treatment have significant temporary or longer term cognitive impairment related to drug use, lifestyle, or other factors. You will learn how to improve client engagement and adapt treatment strategies to improve outcomes for people with cognitive impairments.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how alcohol and other drugs affect the brain in the short and longer term
  • Gain skills in assessment of functional impairment and daily functioning
  • Adapt treatment to make an impact with people who have cognitive impairments

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“The training consisted of a lot of information with a good focus on how substances affect the prefrontal cortex in particular. The workshop suggests ways of asking questions to elicit better information from clients.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Alcohol and other drug online - delivering effective Telehealth treatment

Break barriers to service access by learning how to deliver effective alcohol and other drug counselling via Telehealth

Telehealth offers service users an accessible alternative to engaging with face to face alcohol and other drug treatment. It can lower time, transport, and geographic barriers to care and can reduce stigma for consumers needing confidential access to services.
This online workshop will help you effectively engage with consumers remotely, troubleshoot practical issues, and adapt treatment components to Telehealth.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn strategies to effectively establish and maintain working relationships over Telehealth
  • Be confident in all aspects of your practice work in a Telehealth environment
  • Maintain effective confidentiality, privacy and keep good clinical records
  • Troubleshoot practical issues

Who should attend

This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings providing counselling, case management and other 1:1 support and treatment.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash


The art of thriving at work

Don’t just survive alcohol and other drug work. Really thrive

24 November 2022, 9am – 4:30pm

Alcohol and other drug work can be challenging and comes with a high rate of burnout. It can be mentally demanding work, but there’s some simple self care strategies to prevent burnt out. In this workshop, you will find out what it takes to not just survive but thrive while working in the alcohol and other drug and mental health fields. Gain real strategies to relax, recharge and revive to ensure you are at your best for your clients for the coming year.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the potential impacts of working with complex and at-risk clients on your mental health and wellbeing
  • Understand the difference between, and recognise warning signs of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
  • Build your own toolkit of practitioner specific resilience strategies
  • Enhance your self-care skills and know when to debrief and access further support

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“There was a great sense of cohesion both between participants and between the facilitator and participants.”

Understanding Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Discover how CBT gets better outcomes for your clients who use alcohol and other drugs

When: Wednesday, 6 September 2023
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Online 

This workshop offers a practical introduction to core practice skills in alcohol and other drug treatment. You will improve your understanding of CBT theory and practice and learn a comprehensive CBT framework that will deepen your understanding and enable you to tailor strategies and treatment for different client presentations.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain key foundational knowledge and core clinical skills in behavioural and cognitive therapies
  • Understand CBT assessment, formulation and treatment planning
  • Apply knowledge and practice of key alcohol and other drug specific CBT interventions

Who should attend

This is a core skills workshop suitable for new practitioners and as a refresher for experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Paula Ross 

“The training is well presented and includes examples that make it relevant and real. Paula is an engaging presenter who was able to hold our attention all day”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

The How and Why of MI

Understand what really makes motivational interviewing tick

When: Thursday, 7 September 2023
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Online

Gain core motivational interviewing skills and a deep understanding of the spirit and philosophy of motivational interviewing in this interactive online workshop so you can adapt it to any client or situation. Motivational interviewing is an essential skill for alcohol and other drug workers that has powerful impact on change. We use demonstrations, clinical anecdotes and practice so you walk away with real skills you can apply immediately.

Learning outcomes

  • Find out what really motivates people to change so you know exactly what to target in treatment
  • Understand motivational interviewing theory and processes so you have a solid framework to work from
  • Build and strengthen your core motivational interviewing skills and strategies so you know how to adapt it to any situation

Who should attend

This is a core skills workshop suitable for new practitioners and as a refresher for experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Paula Ross

“…it’s really hard to find good post grad level education, and 360Edge has always been great. However, this MI workshop completely blew everything else out of the water. Paula was great and the subject was delivered perfectly.” – Brenda Jones, CNC AOD, WA

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Families of Substance: A two day advanced masterclass in working with families

Increase your confidence and provide advanced intervention for families with alcohol and other drug issues

When: Wednesday and Thursday, 29-30 November 2023
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm [both days]
Location: Online

Working with families can be complex and challenging often due to multiple people and perspectives that are sometimes misaligned. This masterclass goes deeper into the Orford stress-strain-information-coping-support model drawing on elements of the Orford and Velleman 5-step model.

Learn key ideas from family therapy, motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy on how to work more effectively with families and carers of people who use alcohol and other drugs.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand models of family functioning and how that affects treatment
  • Describe the stress-strain-information-coping-support model for working with families and how to use it in practice
  • Establish a collaboration and utilise it to improve outcomes for people in treatment and their families
  • Know how to utilise families’ wisdom and coping to achieve improved outcomes
  • Implement effective responses to the challenges of working with families

Who should attend

This is an advanced skills workshop suitable for experienced and advanced practitioners. We recommend you do our Working with families workshop before attending this workshop.

Facilitator: Paula Ross

“Paula is a wealth of knowledge and is generous in sharing it!”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

National Cormorbidity Guidelines Training

360Edge is pleased to have had expert input as part of the reference group to the development of the 3rd National Comorbidity Guidelines out now. 

In collaboration with The Matilda Centre we led the development of a series of half day mix and match workshop modules to accompany the National Guidelines, as well as train the trainer workshops which are offered both face to face and online.

There are 2 core modules recommended to be delivered to all participants and 5 optional modules according to organisational need. 360Edge will codesign a program for your workplace. Participants receive a certificate of completion, which depending on their registration provider, may be used towards continuing professional development.

Practitioner workshops

Module 1: Understanding Comorbidity
Module 2: Screening and Assessment
Module 3: Applying motivational enhancement and cognitive behavioural approaches
Module 4: Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Module 5: Personality disorders
Module 6: PTSD
Module 7: Psychosis, Eating Disorders and OCD

Train-the-trainer workshops

Train-the-trainer workshops have been developed for trainers who have the capacity to deliver training within their workplace. Trainers become registered trainers with the Matilda Centre, able to provide evidence-based training for alcohol and other drug workers to improve their capability to respond to co-occurring mental disorders. Participants receive a certificate of completion, which depending on their registration provider, may be used towards continuing professional development.

Contact us to find out more or go to the Matilda Centre.

We are leading experts in comorbidity

Don’t miss our one day workshop for alcohol and other drug practitioners

Gain a deeper understanding co-occurring mental health problems to effectively incorporate best practice responses into alcohol and other drug treatment in our one day online interactive workshop: Responding to Comorbidity 2nd August 2023. Access live training from anywhere in the world.

Improving our service system

Our 2020 report Exploring the place of alcohol and other drug services in the mental health system is part of 360Edge’s ongoing work supporting health service improvement and a well-trained and responsive workforce. Read more.

Also see our CEO Professor Nicole Lee’s groundbreaking presentation for the NDARC Symposium series.

Here's what's coming up

360Edge is a lead provider of professional development on alcohol and other drugs for drug treatment specialists, as well as anyone who works with people who use alcohol and other drugs. Our workshops are designed to be suitable for people with a range of background, skill and experience.

Get all your professional development needs from anywhere in the world with our online workshops.

Discover all our workshops by downloading our 360Edge workforce development calendar today!

2024 Workshops

Book now – 2024 workshops

The Brain Workshop
Understand the inner workings of the brain on drugs and how to work effectively with cognitive impairment.

Emotion Regulation: Skills for managing client distress
We all have strong emotions from time to time. Being able to recognise and self-regulate emotions and tolerate distress is a skill that can be learned.

NEW: Working with Complex Personality Traits
Increase your skills and confidence in identifying and responding to complex personality traits

Trauma Informed Practice
Respond sensitively and effectively to people who have experienced trauma.

NEW: Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention

Working with Families with AOD Issues
Gain advanced clinical practice skills in working with families.

Responding to Comorbidity
Gain a deep understanding of how to respond to co-occurring mental health problems in alcohol and other drug treatment.

Breaking the Ice: Tailoring treatment with people who use methamphetamine, 11 July 2024
Adapt your existing skills to work effectively with people who use methamphetamine.

NEW: The Art of Wellbeing: Understanding, preventing and managing vicarious trauma, 18 July 2024

Integrating Motivational Interviewing with CBT, 25 July 2024
Effectively blend motivational interviewing and CBT to achieve better client outcomes.


Book now – 2024 workshops

Trauma Informed Practice, 1 August 2024
Respond sensitively and effectively to people who have experienced trauma.

Superskills for Supervisors, 22 August 2024
Build your leadership skills and contribute to the next generation of practitioners.

Help! I’ve Been Subpoenaed: Everything you need to know to get court ready, 5 September 2024
Nearly 50% of alcohol and other drug workers have had their case notes subpoenaed. Are yours court-ready? Write great case notes and feel confident giving evidence in court with this fun and practical case note and court preparation training.

Trauma Inside Out: A 2 day masterclass, 9 – 10 September 2024
Understand the causes and impacts of trauma and how to effectively respond.

Rethink MI: A two-day motivational interviewing masterclass, 23-24 September 2024
Develop advanced skills in motivational interviewing to supercharge your alcohol and other drug practice.

NEW SERIES: Alcohol and Other Drug Essentials for Mental Health Workers
Build your skills in responding to people with alcohol and other drug problems in mental health settings.

Good Night. Sleep Tight: Helping people who use alcohol and other drugs sleep better, 17 October 2024
Develop an in-depth understanding of sleep to aid your alcohol and other drug practice.

Back on Track: How to navigate ruptures in the therapeutic relationship, 24 October 2024
Increase the effectiveness of treatment by identifying and resolving ruptures and breaks in the therapeutic relationship.

Inside CBT: A 4 day masterclass in behavioural and cognitive therapies, 19-22 November 2024
Level up your practice with our acclaimed 4-day self-practice/self-reflection masterclass in cognitive behaviour therapy.

Families of substance: A 2 day advanced masterclass in working with families, 28 November 2024 and 5 December 2024
Increase your confidence and provide advanced interventions for families with alcohol and other drug issues.

Not sure which workshop is right for you?

Build a solid foundation for your work

For new and intermediate practitioners

We have developed a Foundation Series tailored to provide you with a firm foundation for your career:

  • Understanding CBT
    Learn how to apply key CBT skills in alcohol and other drug settings
  • The How and Why of MI
    Understand what really makes motivational interviewing tick
  • Trauma Informed Practice
    Respond sensitively and effectively to people who have experienced trauma

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.


Enhance your therapeutic skills

For intermediate and advanced practitioners

Our Therapeutic Series will help you refine your clinical skills:

  • The Brain Workshop
    Understand the inner workings of the brain on drugs and how to work effectively with cognitive impairment
  • Integrating MI and CBT
    Effectively blend motivational interviewing and CBT to achieve better client outcomes
  • Responding to Comorbidity
    Gain a deep understanding of how to respond to co-occurring mental health problems in alcohol and other drug treatment
  • Emotion Regulation: Skills for managing client distress
    Help your clients to manage strong emotions
  • Back on Track: How to navigate ruptures in the therapeutic relationship
    Increase the effectiveness of treatment by identifying and resolving ruptures and breaks in the therapeutic relationship

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.

Add to your specialist skills set

For intermediate and advanced practitioners

We have a tailored Specialist Series focusing on working with families, responding to trauma and preparing for court:

  • Working with Families with AOD Issues
    Gain advanced clinical practice skills in working with families
  • Help I’ve Been Subpoenaed
     Do you know what to say and do if you are subpoenaed to appear in court?
    Are your case notes court ready?

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.

Take the next step in your career

For advanced practitioners

If you are an experienced clinician ready to impart your skills in mentoring and supervising others, our Advanced Clinician Series is for you:

  • Superskills for Supervisors
     Build your leadership skills and contribute to the next generation of practitioners
  • Rethink MI: A two-day motivational interviewing masterclass
    Develop advanced skills in motivational interviewing to supercharge your alcohol and other drug practice
  • Inside CBT Masterclass
    Level up your practice with our acclaimed 4-day self-practice/self-reflection masterclass in cognitive behaviour therapy

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.





Help! I've been Subpoenaed: Everything you need to know to get court ready

Do you know what to say and do if you are subpoenaed to appear in court? Are your case notes court ready?

When: Thursday, 28 September 2023
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Rydges, St Kilda

Nearly 50% of alcohol and other drug workers have had their case notes subpoenaed. Are yours court-ready? Write great case notes and feel confident giving evidence in court with this fun and practical case note and court preparation training. Join our clinical expert Paula Ross and our legal eagle Jarryd Bartle for this practical one-day workshop specially designed to assist practitioners to get court ready. Gain confidence and reduce anxiety about appearing in court.

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the different types of courts and how they operate
  • Know how to respond to a subpoena
  • Feel confident to appear in court and develop and apply court presentation skills
  • Identify the essential components of your case notes, so they are both clinically relevant and legally sound

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners.

Facilitators: Paula Ross and Legal Associate

“The presenters were clear. I liked the practical examples and case studies and really appreciated the opportunity to test out my new skills with the practical component. I appreciate the education on the court system.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Rethink MI: A 2 day motivational interviewing masterclass

Develop advanced skills in motivational interviewing to supercharge your alcohol and other drug practice

When: Wednesday and Thursday, 23-24 August 2023
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm [both days]
Location: Online

Join one of Australia’s most experienced alcohol and other drug trainers in this two-day motivational interviewing masterclass for practitioners who want to advance their motivational interviewing skills. You will take your motivational interviewing skills to the next level by using self-reflection and practice to understand and apply advanced strategies in assessment, intervention and responding to therapeutic challenges within a motivational framework.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the ins and outs of motivational interviewing
  • Understand what drives, and how to better respond to, client ambivalence
  • Apply a comprehensive model of change that integrates client values
  • Develop advanced motivational listening and questioning skills, high level skills in eliciting change
  • Understand and effectively respond to therapeutic relationship difficulties

Who should attend

This is an advanced skills workshop suitable for experienced and advanced practitioners. We recommend you do our How and why of MI workshop before attending this workshop.

Facilitator: Paula Ross

“There were very meaningful discussions and good examples used, which has given me a better understanding as to how I implement motivational interviewing in my role.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.


Trauma Informed Practice

Respond sensitively and effectively to people who have experienced trauma

A large proportion of people in alcohol and other drug treatment have experienced trauma as a child or adult. In this interactive online workshop, learn how to deliver alcohol and other drug treatment in a trauma informed way to improve outcomes. You will also learn about strategies to make sure your whole service is trauma informed, so it effectively supports your individual client work.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand trauma and its impacts
  • Identify signs and symptoms of trauma
  • Apply strategies for raising the issue and trauma screening
  • Apply strategies to maintain boundaries and support your well-being

Who should attend

This is a core skills workshop suitable for new practitioners, and as a refresher for experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“The trauma informed care training has a good combination of trainer talk, practical examples, and group work. The videos were helpful and relevant, and the workbook and other resources will be useful in ongoing practice.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Trauma Inside Out: A 2 day masterclass

Understand the causes and impacts of trauma and how to effectively respond

When: TBC
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm [both days]
Location: Online

Building on our Responding to trauma workshop, you will deepen your knowledge of trauma and practice advanced strategies to effectively support people with trauma symptoms in alcohol and other drug treatment. Go deeper into understanding and responding to trauma to enhance your knowledge, skills and confidence in working with people who have trauma histories.

Learning outcomes

  • Apply a model for responding to trauma to the specific context of alcohol and other drug treatment
  • Increase your range of sensitive responses to trauma disclosure
  • Understand how to integrate trauma into screening, assessment and treatment
  • Develop detailed case conceptualisation and treatment planning for clients with co-occurring alcohol and other drug and trauma

Who should attend

This is an advanced skills workshop suitable for experienced and advanced practitioners. We recommend you do our Working with trauma workshop before attending this workshop.

Facilitator: Richard Cash

“Everything was good about this workshop; it was very valuable training. Learning how to engage with clients who have been through traumatic events, how the brain processes trauma and effective treatments for PTSD”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Improve your chances of getting funded to come to our workshops

Need some help applying to attend any of our workshops? We’ve put together some tips on how to ask your manager to approve professional development.

  • Highlight the key learning outcomes and how they match your professional development plan – you’ll find these in the description of each workshop
  • Our workshops are highly rated and show real improvements in knowledge, skills, and confidence. Each workshop page contains a link to our latest evaluation report (“What previous participants thought”) – attach this to your application
  • Our trainers are experts in their field – outline why they are the best people to provide this type of training using the descriptions found on the workshop page
  • Our early bird rates and group bookings for 5 or more participants are advantageous to organisations and close three weeks prior to the event, it’s worth emphasising that there are significant savings to booking early

If you need any further help to help make the pitch to your manager, get in touch at and one of the 360Edge workforce development team will be happy to help.

Here’s an example of an application for our masterclass Inside CBT: A 4 day masterclass in behavioural and cognitive therapies, running 8-12 November 2022.


Dear Manager,

I wish to attend the upcoming workshop Inside CBT: A 4-day masterclass in behavioural and cognitive therapies run by 360Edge. This workshop is held over four days from 8-12 November 2022.

The workshop uses self practice/self reflection experiential approach to impart the core skills in assessment, case formulation, interventions and responding to the therapeutic challenge.

Key learning outcomes for the workshop fits really well with my professional development plan, which focuses on building my advanced therapeutic skills:

  • Deepen your understanding of the CBT approach and the similarities and differences between the many forms of CBT
  • Understand what really drives motivation and change from a behavioural and cognitive therapy framework
  • Apply a comprehensive CBT model that offers a clear framework for effective assessment, formulation, and intervention
  • Recognise and respond to therapeutic relationship challenges within a CBT framework

360Edge has a reputation in the alcohol and other drug sector for providing high quality, skills focused clinical training. This workshop has been evaluated and has high satisfaction ratings, with the last workshop rated 9 out of 10 for satisfaction. Participants show significant increases in knowledge, skill and confidence after attending the workshop.

The facilitators are among Australia’s experts in CBT – Professor Nicole Lee is the past President and Honorary Fellow of the AACBT, and Paula Ross is a practicing Counselling Psychologist. There is no other intensive workshop on CBT for alcohol and other drugs like this available. It’s a unique opportunity to take my skill development to the next level.

There is a significant discount if I’m able to book early. The masterclass costs $995 if I book before the 18 October 2022, compared to $1395 closer to the event.

Integrating Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Effectively blend motivational interviewing and CBT to achieve better client outcomes

When: Thursday, 12 October 2023
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm
Location: Online

Boost your effectiveness with clients by seamlessly integrating these two key approaches in alcohol and other drug treatment. Through this interactive one-day workshop, you learn where these two core approaches overlap and where they are unique and how to move seamlessly between them. This workshop combines with CBT for AOD to further enhance skill development.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand motivation and why people change, and the impacts on treatment outcomes
  • Describe how motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy can work in unison
  • Seamlessly integrate cognitive behavioural therapy with motivational interviewing
  • Apply motivational interviewing to improve outcomes from cognitive behavioural therapy

Who should attend

This is a core skills workshop suitable for experienced and advanced practitioners and assumes basic knowledge of MI and CBT. We recommend you do our essential skills MI and CBT workshops before attending this workshop.

Facilitator: Paula Ross

“Really enjoyable training. Lots of skills I could apply straight away. Paula has a beautiful facilitation style”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Responding to Comorbidity

Gain a deep understanding of how to respond to co-occurring mental health problems in alcohol and other drug treatment

When: Day 1: Thursday 9 November and Thursday 16 November 2023
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm [both days]
Location: Online

Comorbidity is the norm rather than the exception. In this two day interactive online workshop you will deepen your understanding of co-occurring mental health and alcohol and other drug issues and build knowledge, confidence and skill in responding effectively. Learn how to adapt and expand your existing alcohol and other drug treatment skills to assist your clients to manage mental health symptoms. Find out what you need to know about the types of co-occurring conditions you are likely to encounter and how to effectively incorporate best practice responses into your treatment.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise and understand the common mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment
  • Undertake a thorough assessment and develop an integrated case formulation to guide your practice
  • Apply a range of alcohol and other drug treatment skills to working with clients with co-occurring mental health conditions
  • Learn how to respond therapeutically and effectively within the bounds of the alcohol and other drug treatment setting

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners

Facilitator: Paula Ross

“Paula was very engaging to listen to and had great examples and tips throughout the training, which I will use with clients moving forward. I enjoyed doing the case reviews and case reflections in groups.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Good Night. Sleep Tight: Helping people who use alcohol and other drugs sleep better

Develop an in-depth understanding of sleep to aid your alcohol and other drug practice

When: Thursday, 23 November 2023
Time: 9:30am-1:00pm
Location: Online

People with alcohol and other drug issues are up to 10 times more likely to experience sleep problems.

We now know that poor sleep contributes to a range of other physical and mental health problems, as well as low resilience and low motivation. But some simple strategies can help your clients to have a good night and sleep tight.

Join Dr Moira Junge, our sleep specialist, in this fascinating and practical workshop to help you help your clients sleep better. Gaining an understanding of the biopsychosocial processes involved in sleep/wakefulness and common sleep disorders. Your AOD practice will be better informed by this online interactive workshop.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand what happens in the brain and body to promote sleep and wake states
  • Understand how sleep and alcohol and other drugs interact
  • Gain skills in performing a thorough sleep assessment in alcohol and other drug settings
  • Learn evidence based strategies to address your clients’ sleep difficulties, including cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia and mindfulness based therapy for insomnia
  • Know how and when to refer to specialist sleep services

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners.

Facilitator: Moira Junge

“Moira is an excellent presenter; I enjoyed her presenting style and knowledge”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Responding to Alcohol and Other Drugs in Mental Health

Gain a deeper understanding of how to respond to people with alcohol and other drug problems in mental health settings

Comorbidity is the norm rather than the exception in mental health. In this one day interactive online workshop you will deepen your understanding of co-occurring alcohol and other drug issues and mental health and build knowledge, confidence and skill in responding effectively. Learn how to adapt and expand your existing skills to assist your clients with alcohol and other drug issues. Find out what you need to know about the alcohol and other drugs including current issues and treatments and how to effectively incorporate best practice responses into mental health support and treatment.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn about current alcohol and other drug issues and treatment options
  • Learn engagement and conversational strategies for clients with alcohol and other drug issues
  • Undertake a drug and alcohol screening and develop an integrated case formulation to guide mental health practice
  • Learn key motivational and relapse prevention approaches to alcohol and other drug use conditions
  • Learn how to respond therapeutically and effectively within the bounds of the mental health setting

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in clinical mental health settings.

Facilitator: Paula Ross

“Paula was very engaging to listen to and had great examples and tips throughout the training, which I will use with clients moving forward. I enjoyed doing the case reviews and case reflections in groups”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Working with families with domestic and family violence



Gain advanced clinical practice skills in working with families within the context of domestic and family violence! 

21 October 2021

9am – 4:30pm

Building on existing approaches and frameworks for screening and information sharing, this workshop takes a deep dive into the therapeutic skills required to work with families experiencing domestic and family violence.

This workshop will address issues in family violence and will equip you with practical skills to work therapeutically with families in alcohol and other drug treatment who experience domestic family violence.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the relationship between domestic and family violence and alcohol and other drug use
  • Learn how to identify and respond to domestic and family violence when working with some or all of the family
  • Apply best practice interventions to families experiencing domestic and family violence

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for experienced and advanced practitioners. We recommend you do our working with families workshop before attending this workshop.

“Clear, concise, relevant. Really touched on some good practice and great suggestions on how to deal with clients”

| Earlybird: $295 | Standard: $355 |

(Book 5 or more spaces for your team and save an additional 10% off the early bird rate)

Facilitator: Paula Ross

New Zealand AOD workers can pay in $NZD by emailing 

Not ready to book? Register your interest in attending! Sign up here to receive updates for this workshop. Remember you will still need to register on the link below if you want to secure your place.

Exploring the place of AOD services in the mental health system

On 3 March 2021, 360Edge hosted a webinar on “Exploring the place of AOD services in the mental health system” based on our report by the same name and with speakers including:

  • Professor Nicole Lee, CEO at 360Edge and Adjunct Professor at NDRI.
  • Professor Steve Allsop, Professor at the National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University.
  • Jennifer Duncan, CEO at The National Peak Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Council.
  • Frances Cook Director at Vision 2030, National Mental Health Commission.

Who are we?

360Edge is a specialist AOD consultancy.

We can assist with service evaluation, workforce training, program design and tender writing.

We also have a number of upcoming workshops you may interested in:

Still got questions about one of our workshops? We’d love to hear from you at or 1300 988 184

Looking for tailored workshops and training for your organisation or sector?

All of our introductory workshops are scaleable so that your organisation can receive the most appropriate training for you, or alternatively, our clinical experts can tailor something just for you to meet your specific needs.

Get in touch at 1300 988 184 or and someone from the fabulous 360Edge training team will be happy to help.

Breaking the Ice: Tailoring treatment for people who use methamphetamine

Adapt your existing skills to work effectively with people who use methamphetamine

Understand how methamphetamine affects the brain and how to adapt existing treatments and strategies for people who use methamphetamine. You’ll learn the changes to approach that are needed and how to address common co-occurring conditions among people who use methamphetamine.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the unique effects of methamphetamine and how they impact on treatment
  • Identify and apply effective responses to improve outcomes for people who use methamphetamine
  • Find out how to safely respond to complex behaviours, including heightened threat sensitivity, anxiety and psychosis

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Paula Ross

Awesome information and statistics, role playing, and additional resources provided

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Emotion Regulation: Skills for managing client distress

Help your clients to manage strong emotions

We all have strong emotions from time to time. Being able to recognise and self-regulate emotions and tolerate distress is a skill that can be learned. Emotion regulation is also a protective factor against mental health problems like depression and anxiety. In this workshop you will gain strategies to help your clients to better manage their emotions to improve resilience so they can better participate in treatment and cope with life’s stressors.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how lifestyle factors can impact on a person’s ability to regulate their emotions
  • Know how to explain to clients how emotions work and how they interact with thoughts and behaviours
  • Identify strategies to help your clients identify triggers to strong emotions and respond effectively
  • Learn key emotion regulation skills and how to integrate them into your practice

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“I found the training well facilitated and the content was very interesting and relevant to my work.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Navigating Roadblocks and Ruptures

Increase the effectiveness of treatment by identifying and resolving ruptures and breaks in the therapeutic relationship

When: Thursday, 26 October 2023
Time: 9:30am-1:00pm
Location: Online

Therapeutic impasses are common but can be frustrating and difficult to resolve. They can also impact on the effectiveness of treatment. Roadblocks can be practitioner or client initiated, but nearly always require practitioner input to repair. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify and resolve roadblocks to ensure treatment is most effective.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the common client and practitioner behaviours that interfere with treatment
  • Learn how to identify and resolve roadblocks in treatment
  • Find out how to turn an impasse into a learning opportunity for you and your client

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“The training was very reflective; there was lots to think about. It was easy to engage with the trainer, and it made me realise the importance of good external supervision”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Not sure which workshop is right for you?

Build a solid foundation for your work

For new and intermediate practitioners

We have developed a Foundation Series tailored to provide you with a firm foundation for your career:

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.


Enhance your therapeutic skills

For intermediate and advanced practitioners

Our Therapeutic Series will help you refine your clinical skills:

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.

Add to your specialist skills set

For intermediate and advanced practitioners

We have a tailored Specialist Series focusing on working with families, responding to trauma and preparing for court:

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.

Take the next step in your career

For advanced practitioners

If you are an experienced clinician ready to impart your skills in mentoring and supervising others, our Advanced Clinician Series is for you:

And as an added bonus, save 15% when you bundle these or other workshops together!

Get in touch on 1300 988 184 or if you want to talk about creating a sequence tailored just for you.

Health professionals love our training!

“I really value 360Edge’s contribution to the AOD sector… you are helping to address a significant training gap in our sector”

Our professional development workshops are evidence-based and continuously evaluated to ensure we are meeting the needs of the sector. The following evaluations were undertaken for our 2021 workshops:

“Doing this course is one of my greatest achievements for the year!”

(Participant, The How and Why of MI)

“One of the best training events I have attended in quite some time”

(Participant, Help! I’ve Been Subpoenaed)

Superskills for Supervisors

Build your leadership skills and contribute to the next generation of practitioners

When: Monday, 28 August 2023
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm
Location: Online

The key to great practice is great supervision. If you are a practice or clinical supervisor in the alcohol and other drug sector or want to become one, and you are ready for your next professional challenge, this workshop is for you. Gain a deep understanding of the ‘why’ as well as the ‘what’ and ensure that you have the right theoretical and practical foundation skills to offer powerful practice supervision across different contexts and supervisees. You will learn about developing and implementing supervision contracts and plans, assessing supervisee development needs, and navigating challenges and roadblocks.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the relevant approaches to supervision and which one is right for you
  • Understand and apply structured practical supervisory processes to deepen core supervisory relationship skills, including listening, questioning, guiding, and giving and receiving feedback
  • Increase skills in motivating staff to use reflective practice
  • Understand and utilise a framework to support decision making with ethical dilemmas

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for advanced practitioners who are current or future practice supervisors.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“The training had some good tips, reinforced what I have learnt, and improved my confidence.”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Working with Families with Alcohol and Other Drug Issues

Gain advanced clinical practice skills in working with families

Work more effectively with families and carers of people who use alcohol and other drugs, whether the person using drugs is in treatment or not. This workshop focuses on the impact of alcohol and other drugs on families and models of responding using principles of Jim Orford’s stress-strain-information-coping-support model. You will find out how to blend strategies from family therapy, motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy into effective treatment when working with families with alcohol and other drug problems.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how to engage families using a range of effective response options
  • Learn how to support families to using a comprehensive model that can apply to any family dynamic
  • Apply new strategies to help improve family cohesiveness and cooperation
  • Learn ways to respond to complexities in working with families, such as confidentiality and consent

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners.

Facilitator: Paula Ross 

“The training was interactive in nature, was presented well, and sufficiently covered the topic”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

Exploring the place of AOD services in the mental health system

360Edge will be hosting an online panel discussion on 3 March from 1pm to 2pm about improving the relationship between alcohol and other drug and mental health services.

Find out what the new thinking on comorbidity is all about at our free webinar with guest speakers including:

  • Professor Nicole Lee, CEO at 360Edge and Adjunct Professor at NDRI.
  • Professor Steve Allsop, Professor at the National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University.
  • Jennifer Duncan, CEO at The National Peak Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Council.
  • Frances Cook Director at Vision 2030, National Mental Health Commission.

Inside CBT: A 4 day masterclass in behavioural and cognitive therapies

Level up your practice with our acclaimed 4-day self-practice/self-reflection masterclass in cognitive behaviour therapy

When: Tuesday – Friday, 31 October – 2 November 2023
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm [all four days]
Location: Rydges, St Kilda 

This 4 day intensive is for you if you are an alcohol and other drug worker in a counselling or case management role. Discover exactly what makes CBT tick to build and strengthen your core CBT clinical skills, the foundation for all best practice in alcohol and other drug treatment.

You will gain new knowledge, advanced skills and greater confidence in both traditional and newer behavioural and cognitive therapy models, including mindfulness-based therapies. Immerse yourself in self-reflection and self-practice to build on your foundational skills in assessment, case formulation, intervention and responding to therapeutic challenges.

Our cognitive behaviour therapy experts, Professor Nicole Lee, past President and Honorary Fellow of the AACBT, and Paula Ross, counselling psychologist and clinical expert, present this top rated four-day workshop

Learning outcomes

  • Deepen your understanding of the CBT approach and the similarities and differences between the many forms of CBT
  • Understand what really drives motivation and change from a behavioural and cognitive therapy framework
  • Apply a comprehensive CBT model that offers a clear framework for effective assessment, formulation, and intervention
  • Recognise and respond to therapeutic relationship challenges within a CBT framework

Who should attend

This is an advanced skills workshop suitable for experienced and advanced practitioners. We recommend you do our Understanding CBT workshop before attending this workshop.

Facilitator: Nicole Lee and Paula Ross

“It was all a great experience! I would like to learn more around the different strategies”

If you need an invoice, kindly reach out to us via email at, specifying the workshop you are interested in.

The art of thriving at work

Don’t just survive alcohol and other drug work. Really thrive

24 November 2022

9am – 4:30pm

Alcohol and other drug work can be challenging and comes with a high rate of burnout. It can be mentally demanding work, but there’s some simple self care strategies to prevent burnt out. In this workshop, you will find out what it takes to not just survive but thrive while working in the alcohol and other drug and mental health fields. Gain real strategies to relax, recharge and revive to ensure you are at your best for your clients for the coming year.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the potential impacts of working with complex and at-risk clients on your mental health and wellbeing
  • Understand the difference between, and recognise warning signs of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
  • Build your own toolkit of practitioner specific resilience strategies
  • Enhance your self-care skills and know when to debrief and access further support

Who should attend

This is a specialist skills workshop suitable for new, experienced and advanced practitioners. This workshop is suitable for workers in low threshold and clinical settings.

Facilitator: Dr Richard Cash

“There was a great sense of cohesion both between participants, and between the facilitator and participants.”